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Don't be a victim! Get your concealed carry pistol permit or take our home defense course today from 22 year Army Veteran David Groce of Walker LA. Register today.

Basic Safety Tips For Concealed Carry Permit Holders

The practice of carrying concealed firearms for personal safety and protection is not unheard of among Americans. In fact, the growing number of concealed carry classes in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA shows how self-protection in the face of danger is a crucial life-skill and survival tactic of today. Having said that, the need to learn and implement the basic safety measures for a concealed carry weapon has become highly important these days, especially with the concept of conceal carry now becoming more lucid.  Here, we will talk about some of these essential safety tips that you need to be aware of when dealing with concealed carries.

Use Right Ammunition

Ammunition comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each type has its pros and cons, unique traits and purposes. Know your exact requirement or purpose and use them accordingly. 

Cardinal Rules You Need to Remember 

All concealed carry classes in Lafayette, LA will tell you about these cardinal rules of firearm ownership: 
1.Treat every firearm as if it is already loaded.
2.Point your weapon only and only at the designated target.
3.Before shooting make sure you know what the exact target is
4.Keep your fingers away from the trigger until you are ready to take the shot. 

Smartly Deal With Fail-To-Fire Situation

Sometimes, firearms may fail to fire after the trigger is pulled. To deal with situations like this, position the muzzle in a safe direction and then cautiously open the action. Next, unload the firearm and throw the faulty cartridge away.

Understand The Concealed Carry Types 

Each concealed carry operates in a different manner, which is why understanding the weapon in-depth is absolutely important. But how will you do that? By talking to experts, reading the instruction manual thoroughly and signing up for concealed carry classes in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Consider these safety guidelines and operate your concealed carry without any worries.

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